Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rick Santorum - Dangerous for America

February 28, 2012 - Today's primaries in Arizona and Michigan will go a long way in determining who will be the Republican candidate for president in November.

Rick Santorum speaks during a campaign
rally at the Sabbar Shrine Center,
As an American I can only hope that Mitt Romney reigns victorious over Rick Santorum.  Mr. Santorum is truly scary for America on so many levels.  His extreme religious views threaten to undermine decades of civil rights victories for women and gays.  Our children will suffer due to the elimination of any federal funding for public education.  He will attempt to eliminate a women's right to choose as it relates to reproductive issues. In almost every talking point on his websites issues page,  https://www.ricksantorum.com/issues, he can be seen forcing his religious beliefs on the American public.

Mr. Santorum, you are infringing on my religious freedom.  Religious freedom begins with my right not to be religious at all if I choose to be.  I don't need you telling me how my family should live their lives, this is not your place.   You sir are a prime example of why we as American's believe in the separation of church and state.  It gives us the right to not have anyone's religious beliefs forced upon us making it a principle that we must protect at any cost.

In addition, Rick Santorum's view on foreign policy is something to be concerned with.  His religious views make him an enemy of the Muslim world.  Any non-Christian country would be in his cross-hairs should they disagree with U.S. policy.  Santorum's view is that Islam is evil and must be contained or destroyed.  This does not bode well for world diplomacy.  Whether he likes it or not, Islam is here to stay so the U.S. must be willing to deal with them diplomatically when at all possible.  In the past Santorum has publicly shown his negative views of Muslim countries such as our ally Turkey when he claimed that it was lead by terrorists.  These types of comments are neither productive nor helpful.  By making these incendiary statements he is placing our military men and women in even greater harm than they already are.

If America has any hopes of avoiding a national and international disaster, we must, as a country show Rick Santorum and those that are like him, that we won't stand for their narrow-minded, exclusionary, policies.  The United States is not perfect, but it will certainly take a step backwards should Santorum become the Republican nominee.

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