I found this to be an inspirational as well as rational view of the Muslim world after 9-11. I think that through ignorance, or a misunderstanding, have fallen into feelings of Islamophobia. Please don't get me wrong, Americans, just like most Muslims are inherently good, decent, and tolerant people, but the events of 9-11 stirred feelings of paranoia in the average American.
I find this commentary by Michael Luongo in the Huffington Post to be more representative of my feelings towards Muslims and Islam in general http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-luongo/what-september-11th-taugh_b_716499.html?ir=World.
It is not the religion that is violent and should I be so bold to say extremist, but a minority of their followers and their interpretation of the religion that breeds extremism. It seems to me that Islam is simply the "flavor of the day". All religions have their extremists, whether it be Islam, Christianity, or Judaism, or some other lesser followed religion. No religion is exempt no matter how self-righteous they are.
To coin a phrase, "Can't we all just get along?".
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